Happy New Year

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Maanantai 1.1.2018 klo 13.28 - Mikko Nikinmaa

Let's make it so by choosing always an environmentally friendly solution to the needs that we can   address. For those of us who can distance-work, let's do that one day a week instead of driving to work. Instead of drinking plastic-bottle water, let's drink tap water where we can. Instead of eating fish flown from the other side of the world, let's support local fisheries. And let's eat more fish and less meat. Wine brightens up the day, buts its ecological footprint increases with increasing transport distance - so Europeans should drink European wines, Californians Californian, Australians Australian etc. With regard to beers, support your local breweries for the same reason. Never throw any trash in the environment. Do not use motor-driven appliances unless you have to. Small steps, and do not make your life untolerable. However, if everyone does so, an effect will be seen.

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